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MUSTARDTREE Landscapes is an award-winning garden design and landscaping company. We offer a range of landscape design, installation and maintenance services, in Pretoria and Johannesburg, depending on clients' needs and preferences.  

R500 design

Garden design solution for challenging small spaces, be it a balcony, patio or entrance to your home.

Consultation service

A 2-hour site visit aiming to spark ideas and make suggestions on how to turn your landscaping dreams into reality.


Large space design

Design service offered to customers desiring to recreate any kind of outdoor space (front yard, entertainment area ...).

Day installation

One-day installation service to help you mark the shape of your beds and position your plants and hardscape materials.


Full installation

Landscape installation option for customers requiring assistance to fully install their newly designed garden.

The one-day attack

Service provided to help customers get their garden maintained and up to the mark within a single day.


Seasonal maintenance service

Package offered to customers requiring continuous assistance with garden maintenance.

Have you ever heard about the story of the mustard seed? It starts out as the smallest seed but when sown, it grows into a large tree where the birds of the sky find shelter and peace. 


This name does not only describe our company. Indeed, we are thrilled with the idea that as a mustard tree, our company started out very small and keeps growing larger to provide peace and a home to share with our people and customers. Nevertheless, MUSTARDTREE mainly describes our  garden design and landscaping collaborators. The labourers

giving their whole heart and time into their job to satisfy customers' needs and dreams. We acknowledge them and their efforts. That's why, we've committed ourselves to professionally train them and pay them with a fair and generous wage.


It describes our customers. The people for whom we are kept awake day and night, being alert of the different possible ways that could help offering you your dream garden and a healthier outdoor lifestyle.

As we treat blue-collar workers with dignity and, in turn, they labour with us to provide customers with high service quality, we believe we contribute in honouring the core values of our landscape architecture profession while advancing the agenda for a better South Africa for all.



Landscaping Company Founder

Chrisne Myburg

Founder and Landscape designer


With a lifelong passion for creating beautiful outdoor spaces, Chrisne completed her formal training as a landscape designer at the Irene School of Garden Design in 2015. She established MUSTARDTREE Landscapes the same year.


Since 2016, Chrisne has been on the editorial staff of the online garden and home magazine, Virere, bringing her expertise on plants to the article: "Plants that work". Chrisne has served on the executive committee of the Pretoria Garden Club since 2014.


Having lived in Canada and USA, Chrisne's design style displays international flair. "I am not only designing exceptional gardens. I am creating extraordinary outdoor lifestyles."



Contact details:


Mobile: +27 84 640 8822

Email address:

Location: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa


Rado Ratsima, MA, MM

JHB Branch Manager


Rado is a young designer and the Managing Director of SAINT-CASSIEN Landscapes, a subsidiary company operating in Johannesburg. He decided to labour in the field of landscape design and entrepreneurship after successfully completing a Masters of Arts  in Landscape Studies, at the University of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England. A Honours degree in Landscape Management awarded by University of Mauritius, a professional certificate in landscape design from Irene School of Garden Design, a Postgraduate Diploma in Management and a Masters of Management in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation awarded by Wits Business School are some of the other scholastic achievements adorning his shelf.


Originally from Madagascar, Rado left home at the age of 18 to travel and explore the world. His experience living in Mauritius and England for a couple of years, as well as winning garden and landscape design competitions in Argentina and South Africa shaped his outlook of the profession. As an academic, Rado's design philosophy can be summarised with this quote he loves sharing with colleagues: "If form follows function, then function should follow meaning. Meaning follows values. And values come from both the designer and customers' background. There should always be an evident meaning in what we do. Otherwise, we work in vain."



Contact details:


Email address:

Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa


Landscaping Company Co-Founder

© 2024 by MUSTRADTREE Landscapes family

*Disclaimer: MUSTARDTREE Landscapes and SAINT-CASSIEN Landscapes are part of the same group - the MUSTARDTREE Landscapes family. They are, however, two separate companies, operating independently, without any shared liability.  

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